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Garlic Powder

Digitally created Label

2" x 6"


Class Objective:

Brand strategy is more than a logo, name, or slogan. As a strategy for many retailers, store brands a.k.a. private label brands (PLB's) are a line of products managed by a retailer to compete with other. PLB's are usually priced lower to compete with other similarly branded counterparts. However, cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean inferiority in quality. “ Private labeling is a powerful marketing strategy to build brand equity that gives customers more reasons to shop,” according to Alina Wheeler, author of ‘Designing Brand Identity (5th edition, p. 82).’

For your second project, there are two components:

i) A design refresh by picking a poorly designed product for one of these retailers: Walmart, Kroger, Meijer, Costco, Trader Joe’s. For e.g., if you choose Costco’s Kirkland brand, retain its logo as well as all the information on the product. Finish the design refresh by using digital mockups from the suggested list from pages 1-2.

ii) A mobile popup with a call-to-action to ‘submit’ or‘sign me up.’ The digital mockup must show the refreshed product in the background with the retailer’s name as you would when viewing them vertically on a smartphone.


I chose to repackage Kroger's Ruler Foods' 'p$$t...' spice labels. At home, we have a Ruler 20 minutes away and it was a game-changer for the locals. They sell pretty well, specifically the Kroger brand items, but they also have their own private label brands as well, like 'p$$t...'. My mom and I have picked up a few of their spices and I still use them after I've moved closer to school.​


Getting ready for this project I had a hard time finding items in my apartment that I could use for this project. I opened the cabinet in the bathroom, checked the shelves in the storage room, and opened every cabinet in the kitchen pulling out anything that I thought could use better packaging. The next morning I chose Ruler Foods p$$t... garlic powder.

Here are some examples for p$$t... products

Ruler Foods Logo RGB150
Ruler Foods Cans RGB150
Ruler Foods Sugar RGB150
Ruler Foods Italian Seasoning RGB150
Ruler Foods Garlic Powder RGB150

Here are some website popup examples I found

Ruler Foods Popup Screenshot RGB150
Romwe Website RGB150
Charlotte Russe Website RGB150
Hobby Lobby Website RGB150
Jessakae Website RGB150
Hazel Olive Website RGB150

For this project, I wanted to challenge myself to illustrate rather than photography. In this label, I wanted to show where the spice comes from and in the circle what we all think of when we think of that spice. I researched photos of garlic gardens and their growing state. In the end, this design could be used for all the spices; show the spice in its 'garden state' and its general state.

My label design

Garlic Powder Label RGB150

I had a hard time with the popup. My original ideas just were not making sense. Then it dawned on me. The 'U' in Ruler and the 'O's in Foods is a shopping cart! What if I put my spices in the 'shopping cart'.

My website popup design

Tablet UP Popup RGB150
Website Popup RGB150
Tablet SIDE Popup RGB150
Apple Popup RGB150
Android Popup RGB150
Android Popup CMYK300
Macbook Popup RGB150
iPad Popup RGB150
iMac Popup RGB150
iPhone Popup RGB150
Apple Products Popup RGB150
Garlic Garden
Gralic Roots
Garlic Powder Label Notes-Sketches
© Copyright

last modified: july 16, 2021

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