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ArtSeed Internship

As part of the BFA Graphic Design senior seminar, seniors are required to complete an internship with a company or individual for about 8 weeks during their final semester and write a report about their experience.



I chose to work with ArtSeed, owned and operated by local artists. Exhibits feature the work of local, regional, and international professional artists, and student artists. The mission of ArtSeed is to support artists and provide a venue for them to live, work, and collaborate with organizations and businesses in our community in a mutually beneficial relationship.


A snippet from my internship report:


Julie had known about Chew on This by Indiana Humanities and INseparable and that they have always been above Columbus, Indiana, and never in southern Indiana. This year’s theme is  What Divides Us? She wrote a grant to get money to host a Chew on This in New Albany. The grant was successful. She asked me for a double-sided 5x7 inch postcard and 11x17 inch poster. Julie gave me a copy of her grant application, website to purchase tickets, and a packet about the event via the Indiana Humanities website. I copied a couple of sentences from the packet explaining what Chew on This is for the poster and set them off to the side. I launched Adobe InDesign and created a document that was 5x7 and another document that was 11x7. I imagined the postcard front to have basic information such as the title, when, where, how much, and one of the sentences from the packet. The back side would have more information such as the address, where to buy the tickets, and contact info on the left half.  My next step was to find inspiration. Google Images happened to have an old Chew on This invitation that I wanted to help me know what they expect on any materials. I now needed a relevant photo, Indiana Humanities logo, INseparable logo, ArtSeed logo, Pints & Union Logo, and information about the facilitator and Pints & Union. Luckily Indiana Humanities website has a spot to download their logo and I already had ArtSeed’s logo. The online packet had the INseparable logo which I had to take a screenshot of because I was unable to find a clean copy or get a copy from Claire Mauschbaugh the Events and Communications Associate for Indiana Humanities. I was lucky to also find Pints & Union’s logo on their Facebook page. Their Facebook cover photo gave me the inspiration for the background photo for the materials. The ‘filter’ used and the vibe of the photo helped me choose the photo I did on The photo is of herbs on a rustic cutting board.


After fetching most of my materials, I began laying out the postcard design first. I chose to use a typeface I’ve never used before and have been waiting for the right time to use it: Oregon LDO UltraBlack Regular, Black Regular, and Black Oblique. Once the postcard was finished I asked Julie for her approval. She had a couple of suggestions and then fixed them. I told her my idea for the poster was to include much more detail than the postcard and she agreed. I needed her help with a copy for the facilitator and why she chose Pints & Union. I was able to re-layout the postcard version into a poster layout. I rotated the background photo and used the wood panels as guides for the copy. I added in the needed information and added the other blurb about Chew on This I found in the online packet with a simple tweak from Julie to personalize it for New Albany. I knew she would want to post these on social media but the postcard front doesn’t have enough info and the poster is too long and would get cut off. I took the initiative to create social media 7x7 inch square what would have all the same information as the poster just a different size. After Julie approved my designs I had to ask Claire for her approval. She asked to have a ‘color wash’ applied to the photo to match the other promotional materials. I chose a green from the herbs in the photo, made a new layer in Adobe Photoshop and applied that color to the layer and Multiplied it.

Old Chew on This invitation found on Google Images

Logos used in the new invitation

INseparable logo screenshot
pints and union logo

New Chew on This invitation


New Chew on This invitation with color wash

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last modified: july 16, 2021

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